1. How do I use and take care of my personal care appliance
    Every personal care appliance includes an instruction booklet in the package. It provides the basic information needed to operate and maintain your personal care appliance. The booklet also contains important safety instructions for using this electrical appliance in your home, as well as details about the warranty terms.
  2. What is the warranty on personal care appliances?
    Warranties vary from product to product. Most personal care appliances carry a limited 2-year warranty. The instruction booklet that came with your appliance describes the warranty that applies to your unit.
  3. My personal care appliance is no longer under warranty. Can I still get it repaired?
    If you have a problem with your unit while it is still under warranty, we will replace it free of charge. We will not replace products after the warranty has expired.
  4. How do I register warranty?
    To obtain warranty service, please keep the purchase receipt. This warranty does not cover any damage caused by accident, misuse, shipment or other than ordinary household use.
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